The #1 searched phrase on Google in 2022 is “Can I Change?” Looking back at your year…. how would you finish this phrase “Can I change?” Can I change my mindset? Can I loose that 10 lbs? Can I find the courage to end my marriage? Can I quit my job? Can I find my passion? These are some of the questions that my client’s had in 2022.
When setting SMART goals for 2023, we can all ask that same question -“Can I Change?” We have all seen many changes since 2020, changes some of us never thought we would see in our lifetime. Regardless of how we view it, we must all face the fact that change is the very nature of life. Small steps to invoke change in our lives help us reach massive goals that we set for our lives!
How Strong Is Your Foundation?
We all need a solid foundation (heart) and mindset. What you are facing right now feels difficult? What energies are triggered inside of you? Is there opportunity for personal growth? Is life giving you an opening to “change” and move beyond your blockers, or, fear-driven emotion (i.e. anger, envy or jealousy) that you find yourself experiencing?
Thoughts are driven by a disturbance of energy inside us that we feel it in our heart. Disturbances in your thoughts are just energy and it can’t hurt you. A strong mindset is being aware of the dialog in our mind, therefore, we must make sure our mindset that serves us for growth.
Finding Your Inner Happiness!
We all experience insecurity, anxiety and self-consciousness. We fear people will turn on us, stop loving us and even leave us. How are you finding inner happiness? How can you answer the question….Can I change? We can find our inner happiness, we just need to do the work!