2024 Question of the Year! Can I Change?

2024 Question of the Year! Can I Change?
The #1 searched phrase on Google in 2022 is “Can I Change?”   Looking back at your year…. how would you finish this phrase “Can I change?” Can I change my mindset? Can I loose that 10 lbs? Can I find the courage to end my marriage? Can I quit my job? Can I find my passion? These are some of the questions that my client’s had in 2022.
When setting SMART goals for 2023, we can all ask that same question -“Can I Change?”  We have all seen many changes since 2020, changes some of us never thought we would see in our lifetime. Regardless of how we view it, we must all face the fact that change is the very nature of life. Small steps to invoke change in our lives help us reach massive goals that we set for our lives!

How Strong Is Your Foundation?

We all need a solid foundation (heart) and mindset. What you are facing right now feels difficult? What energies are triggered inside of you? Is there opportunity for personal growth? Is life giving you an opening to “change” and move beyond your blockers, or, fear-driven emotion (i.e. anger, envy or jealousy) that you find yourself experiencing?
Thoughts are driven by a disturbance of energy inside us that we feel it in our heart.  Disturbances in your thoughts are just energy and it can’t hurt you. A strong mindset is being aware of the dialog in our mind, therefore, we must make sure our mindset that serves us for growth.

Finding Your Inner Happiness!

We all experience insecurity, anxiety and self-consciousness.  We fear people will turn on us, stop loving us and even leave us. How are you finding inner happiness? How can you answer the question….Can I change? We can find our inner happiness, we just need to do the work!

Sailing Toward Authenticity: A Voyage of Self-Discovery and Meaningful Connections

Sailing Toward Authenticity: A Voyage of Self-Discovery and Meaningful Connections
Navigating the complex seas of personal identity and authenticity can often feel like a solitary journey, especially when we face life's inevitable challenges. Growing up in a household where anger and addiction cast long shadows, our podcast host, Lisa, experienced first-hand the toll it takes on forming deep and meaningful connections. Her story, detailed in the latest episode, serves as a beacon of hope for those struggling to find their self-worth and authenticity amidst adversity. 

In the realm of social interaction, we're frequently fixated on the number of connections we have, rather than their depth and quality. Lisa's personal recount in the podcast sheds light on this common misconception, emphasizing that true connections are not measured by how many friends we have, but by the authenticity and understanding within those relationships. Her journey of self-discovery, marked by self-reflection and forgiveness, underscores the importance of embracing our inherent worth, which isn't contingent on external validation.

The episode further delves into the concept of authenticity, not just as a buzzword, but as an essential component of living a fulfilling life. It's about aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with our innermost truths. Lisa shares her transformative experience of shedding the facades of conformity and embracing her true self, an act of liberation that many listeners can relate to and aspire towards.

Moreover, the podcast touches on the subject of loneliness, a universal emotion that can affect anyone, regardless of their background or status. Lisa's candid discussion on feeling isolated and misunderstood, even in a crowded room, strikes a chord with those who have encountered similar feelings. Her narrative offers solace and companionship to listeners, reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles.

Forgiveness emerges as a recurring theme in Lisa's journey. It's portrayed not only as a means of letting go of past hurts but also as a powerful tool for reclaiming one's sense of self-worth and stepping into the fullness of their potential. The podcast provides a poignant reminder that forgiving oneself and others is a radical act of self-love, essential for moving forward and embracing authenticity.

The call to action is clear and compelling: let go of the need for external validation, surround yourself with supportive people, and shine your light brightly. The episode's affirming message encourages listeners to stand tall in their truth, embodying the unapologetic expression of their authentic selves.

In conclusion, this podcast episode is more than just a personal narrative; it's an invitation to embark on a transformative journey towards authenticity and self-discovery. It's a heartfelt call to embrace our unique stories and radiate our inner light, forging a path of genuine connections and unfettered self-expression.

Remember, the journey to authenticity is not a destination but a continuous voyage of self-discovery, forgiveness, and self-expression. As you sail toward your true horizons, know that your inherent worth is your compass, guiding you to embrace the beauty of being unapologetically yourself.

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Sailing Toward Authenticity: A Voyage of Self-Discovery and Meaningful Connections

Sailing Toward Authenticity: A Voyage of Self-Discovery and Meaningful Connections
Navigating the complex seas of personal identity and authenticity can often feel like a solitary journey, especially when we face life's inevitable challenges. Growing up in a household where anger and addiction cast long shadows, our podcast host, Lisa, experienced first-hand the toll it takes on forming deep and meaningful connections. Her story, detailed in the latest episode, serves as a beacon of hope for those struggling to find their self-worth and authenticity amidst adversity. 

In the realm of social interaction, we're frequently fixated on the number of connections we have, rather than their depth and quality. Lisa's personal recount in the podcast sheds light on this common misconception, emphasizing that true connections are not measured by how many friends we have, but by the authenticity and understanding within those relationships. Her journey of self-discovery, marked by self-reflection and forgiveness, underscores the importance of embracing our inherent worth, which isn't contingent on external validation.

The episode further delves into the concept of authenticity, not just as a buzzword, but as an essential component of living a fulfilling life. It's about aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with our innermost truths. Lisa shares her transformative experience of shedding the facades of conformity and embracing her true self, an act of liberation that many listeners can relate to and aspire towards.

Moreover, the podcast touches on the subject of loneliness, a universal emotion that can affect anyone, regardless of their background or status. Lisa's candid discussion on feeling isolated and misunderstood, even in a crowded room, strikes a chord with those who have encountered similar feelings. Her narrative offers solace and companionship to listeners, reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles.

Forgiveness emerges as a recurring theme in Lisa's journey. It's portrayed not only as a means of letting go of past hurts but also as a powerful tool for reclaiming one's sense of self-worth and stepping into the fullness of their potential. The podcast provides a poignant reminder that forgiving oneself and others is a radical act of self-love, essential for moving forward and embracing authenticity.

The call to action is clear and compelling: let go of the need for external validation, surround yourself with supportive people, and shine your light brightly. The episode's affirming message encourages listeners to stand tall in their truth, embodying the unapologetic expression of their authentic selves.

In conclusion, this podcast episode is more than just a personal narrative; it's an invitation to embark on a transformative journey towards authenticity and self-discovery. It's a heartfelt call to embrace our unique stories and radiate our inner light, forging a path of genuine connections and unfettered self-expression.

Remember, the journey to authenticity is not a destination but a continuous voyage of self-discovery, forgiveness, and self-expression. As you sail toward your true horizons, know that your inherent worth is your compass, guiding you to embrace the beauty of being unapologetically yourself.

Are You At War With Your Mind?

Are You At War With Your Mind?
“If we want to win the war in our minds, we have to be willing to rewire our thought patterns, rewire our mind”
Why do we TRY to change, but still end up doing things we don’t like?  What is our mind telling us?

  • Decide you are going to lose weight and then find yourself grabbing a soda and candy when you stop to get gas?
  • Scroll on your phone for hours instead of talking to your significant other or kids?
  • Does a high credit card bill upset you?  Yet you continue to make more unnecessary purchases on those cards?
  • Exaggerate to impress others even though that’s not the person you want to be?
  • Worry nonstop even though you know it’s a waste of time and it makes you sick?
  • Commit to stop arguing with your spouse, then keep arguing with your spouse?

Our brain and our behavior

The reason we make poor decisions is because of how our brains work.  We have to not only recognize the unhealthy patterns, but also figure out the underlying problem.  What we put in our minds comes out in our lives.  Every action we take, every word we say and every attitude we express originates from our thoughts.  We need to rewire our mind and our thoughts and find the blockers that are holding us back!

To rewire our mind, we need to change our behavior!  But, it can’t be done just by removing the behavior as the behavior is not the root problem.  The neural pathway that leads you to the behavior is the problem. What set of thoughts do you think each time you are triggered?  This trigger might be feeling alone, fearing failure or the same series of thoughts you always fall into, and they lead to the same behavior.  

Where will we get these new thoughts?

I will help you find and strategically choose a new series of thoughts so you can successfully change the behavior holding you back!

Schedule a discovery call with me. We'll dive into your thought patterns, identify what's holding you back, and set a course for new, positive behaviors. It's time for a direct approach to change. Ready to take the first step?

The Transformative Power of Surrender: Finding Magic and Success Through Letting Go w/ Kute Blackson

The Transformative Power of Surrender: Finding Magic and Success Through Letting Go w/ Kute Blackson
In the ever-evolving quest for personal growth and success, the concept of surrender has often been misunderstood and underestimated. Yet, as our latest podcast episode with transformation guru Kute Blackson reveals, surrender holds a secret power that can lead to profound transformations in our lives.

The journey of surrender is not about admitting defeat; it's about aligning with the natural flow of life. Kute's own experiences, particularly during his mother's battle with cancer, demonstrate the courage inherent in surrender. He shares how those moments of letting go led to an authentic and fulfilling existence, highlighting that surrender is not a sign of weakness, but rather a brave alignment with the soul's deepest desires.

We also delve into the weight of grief and how it can anchor us in the past, preventing us from fully experiencing the present. Through a personal narrative, the episode offers listeners a chance to reflect on their own experiences of loss. The conversation acknowledges that grief, especially in the wake of global events like the pandemic, needs to be processed to make way for joy and love. Embracing grief as a transformative force allows us to open our hearts to deeper connections and happiness.

The episode continues to challenge preconceived notions about surrender and success. Kute explains that surrender is not synonymous with inaction. Instead, it requires acknowledging the soul's truth and committing to that path, even when it involves taking difficult steps. He provides anecdotes and redefines surrender, demonstrating how it can lead to achieving goals and making a meaningful impact.

As we further explore the magic of surrender, the conversation emphasizes staying open to life's subtle guidance. By trusting our intuition and the wisdom of the unconditioned self, we can experience more of life's wonders. Kute encourages listeners to embrace their soul's direction over the mind's doubts, promising that such trust can lead to unexpected and fulfilling life experiences.

Lastly, the episode sheds light on the Boundless Bliss Bali Breakthrough Experience, an immersive seminar designed to catalyze profound personal growth. It presents an opportunity for listeners to strip away years of conditioning and step into a future brimming with possibilities. The program, and additional resources available on the main website, offer pathways for those seeking to unlock the full potential of surrender.

Surrender, as the podcast reveals, is not merely a concept to be pondered but a practice to be lived. It is a key that unlocks doors to uncharted territories of personal fulfillment and success. By surrendering, we do not lose; instead, we gain a richer, more vibrant tapestry of experiences that shape our lives in ways we could never have anticipated.

In essence, the art of surrender is a transformative power that we all possess. It is an invitation to let go of the need for control, to trust in the wisdom of life, and to embrace the unknown with open arms. As Kute Blackson's insights illuminate, surrender is the pathway to a life of magic, success, and boundless bliss.

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